Ying Li, J.D., M.B.A., B.S. (CS)
About Ying
Ying is a patent attorney in our Silicon Valley Office. With her practice focusing on patent prosecution, Ying also has experience in patent portfolio management, licensing and contracts, IP due diligence, and IP litigation support.
Ying works with clients to develop IP assets related to a broad range of technologies, including computer networking, computer generated reality, security, data storage, payment processing, multimedia streaming, cloud, machine learning, human machine interface, and medical device.
Prior to entering legal field, Ying was a software developer with years of experience and a degree in computer science, magna cum laude. Her honors thesis is titled “Tree-Based Cyber Intrusion Detection System.” In addition to working in law firm settings, Ying previously worked for an in-house legal department supporting patent portfolio management, open source licensing, and contracts negotiation.
Bar admissions
State Bar of California
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
J.D., Santa Clara University
M.B.A., Santa Clara University
B.S. (CS), magna cum laude¸ San Jose State University
Phone: 1.650.523.2110
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ying-li-4096432